Tuesday, August 21, 2012

History of Health Care

A lot of what we have today as far as healthcare in the U.S. originated in London. One of the most famous nurses, Florence Nightingale, changed healthcare dramatically during the Crimean War. Penicillin was found in a one room lab by Alexander Fleming on accident. One of the first operating rooms and herb garrets was in the attic of St. Thomas's Church in London. Bottom line is a lot of milestones in healthcare happened in London. The science museum in London even had a whole healthcare display on one floor. My favorite picture from the museum was the one on the psychologist Sigmund Freud and gave me a good laugh. The operating theatre was really cool. it had a winding stair case that you had to climb to get to the actual theatre and herb garret. Most everything was preserved in the attic and the herb garret had a mixture of different smells. It was kind of creepy laying down on the original operating table because basically all they did back then was amputations without anesthesia, which is the field I intend to get into. It's impressive that so many different major accomplishments came from London.  It's Another part of why London's culture is so rich and remarkable.

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