Monday, August 20, 2012

London Transportation

Traveling around in London was probably my biggest fear about study abroad especially with the olympics being so close. My fearful prediction was correct because transportation was indeed a nightmare for me. The tube is probably one of the most popular forms of transportation in London however bike riding seemed to also be very popular. Personally I was fond of the taxi and bus even though they were either expensive or less efficient, but crowds of people are not really my thing. At first I was nervous, aggravated, and angry when trying to learn the tube system. After finally figuring the system out It was more of just a dreadful feeling. Being smashed into a narrow tube underground with so many people in there that it's literally hard to breathe was horrible. Not to mention the fact that it smelled due to so many people sweating because of all the body heat so close to each other with hardly ever any breeze. But towards the end of the trip I knew I was in the same position as everyone else in the tube. I probably smelled from traveling all day just like them. I was definitely sweating! And to be honest , I couldn't imagine traveling any other way than by bike and tube if I lived there because gas was literally 4 times as much as it is over here. That's outrageous. To sum up the traveling: I heard "mind the gap" probably a thousand times; basically became connected at the hip to hundreds of people smashed up against me in the tube; been ran over for standing on the left side of the escalators a few times; and probably saw close to a million bikes. 

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